Especially before children can read for themselves, and even afterwards - listening to books through the computer or favorite device can help bridge the gap, provide an enticing incentive, and make it easier for everyone. As this fact from the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy points out, children expand their vocabulary greatly through children's books. They also gain schema (background knowledge), inspiration, creativity, and make connections in their thinking that wouldn't happen otherwise.
Here are some electronic book resources to try:
Tumble Books - your public library or school district may have a subscription to this web based resource. Great children's books are online and read by a professional reader. Here is the link to my communities public library. There are many book choices so your child is sure to find many they will enjoy.
Storyline Online - this is another online resource that you can access. Actors from the Screen Actor's Guild read popular children's stories. Since they are professional actors, they make the stories really come alive!
YouTube - you can find anything on YouTube! I've already added the search for "children's books read aloud" to the link. Preview the options as the quality will vary.
Here are only a few of the options available to you. Remember, REAL books are great but don't limit yourself, or your kids. There are many ways to read and accessing literature through computers, iPads, Kindles, and other devices provide you with another hook to promote summer reading, vocabulary development and learning!